Our Commitments
Minnesota Fringe staff and board focus core elements of organizational strategy to articulate firm, non-negotiable, and non-time bound commitments to artists, audiences, operations, and growth.
Our Commitments to Artists
- Provide a full administrative platform that allows producers and artists to focus on their art while allowing for repeatable and reliable high-quality theater experiences
- Guide and support artists’ efforts to engage audience members before, during, and after live performances
- Foster connections among Fringe artists and other theater-makers
Our Commitments to Audiences
- Welcome and treat audience members as an essential part of the Fringe community and invite them to be the fringe as co-creators of adventure
- Ensure ease in accessing Minnesota Fringe, minimizing barriers for audiences to enter and engage
- Seek audience input and feedback on their full Fringe experiences
Our Operational Commitments
- Maintain strong tech systems that support high-quality, seamless experiences across all touchpoints for artists and audiences
- Use data to inform our ongoing outreach strategies, as well as artist and audience experience mapping
- Prioritize ongoing financial stability and sustainability as we strive for growth in audiences and expanded impact
Our Growth Commitments
- New partnerships and new outreach strategies that introduce us to new communities, understanding that inclusiveness requires more than just an open door
- Physical spaces that allow for an enhanced sense of community
- New programs and services that provide a full set of support to artists at all states of their careers