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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Mariabella Sorini

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: The Dumb Waiter
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

A Compelling Timeloop!

As with all Jackdonkey productions, there is something unmistakably compelling about the stage pictures presented and The Dumb Waiter is no exception. For this show, those pictures create a caged, tight space with which we're forced into. The use of routines and repetitive movements to open the trap door for every order and the grid-like walking of the space serve to create a tense and pressurized environment, where we wait in an endless timeloop with the characters, desperate for their next job which in and of itself, seems to have cyclical and repeated routine, too. We spiral with them and their endless, repeated routines — a must-watch in your Fringe festival viewings!
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