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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Alec Berchem

Company: Melancholics Anonymous
Show: Beanie Baby Divorce Play
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

I wanna see it again

This show was SO MUCH FUN. The rewatch factor for me personally is there; schedule permitting I want to make it out again. All the goofy twists and turns with actual real honest undertones were great. The actors playing children were believable in their feelings and coping as their parents go through their ridiculous divorce. Costuming and props *chef's kiss. Physical acting *chef's kiss. Great job all around.

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: The Dumb Waiter
Venue: Open Eye Theatre


The Dumb Waiter was in fact not dumb. Saw this show bootlegged on YouTube years ago and enjoyed it. I enjoyed this version even more 😱 Top notch performances. The natural dialouge mixed w the sometimes unnatural movements somehow made perfect sense. Mostly simple lighting, but when specials were used it was used with purpose and to great effect. If you like weird stuff go see this. If you don't like weird stuff still consider seeing it.
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