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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Dobbs DeCorsey

Company: The Blair Kitsch Project
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Divine, Simply

This show was THEATRE. It was dramatic, honest, comedic, and FILTHY!!! I have yet to laugh so hard, but be so moved by a singular piece of drama. If this could be flushed out to be the entire musical, I would pay to see it on repeat. The cast of characters is fantastic and they all play off of each other beautifully. These are three breakout stars who you surely do NOT want to miss. Pistachio plays support so beautifully and anchors the show. Mink can DANCE and wears various wigs (literally) SO well. And Blair Kitsch plays Divine to a degree of filth and specificity that John Waters would surely weep if he were to see this production. I am still in awe about what I watched tonight and will be highly disappointed if I go to a burlesque show and there’s not an ounce of beer sprayed on me. Bravo to this truly QUEER and WHORE-IFIC production. Go see this visually stunning masterpiece as soon as you can.
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