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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Carrie Ardham

Company: Lauren Hance of Out of Mind Prodcutions
Show: Holy O
Venue: Corner Coffee Uptown


I loved this beautiful little piece. So engaging, so filled with humor and heart. I can’t wait to see where this piece goes and the artist right along with it. I felt seen and I just enjoyed everything from beginning to end. I wish there was more of it? I could’ve been there for 3 hours and been totally happy. Brava!

Company: The Blair Kitsch Project
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Everything I Want At Fringe!!

Ughhhhh!!! IT JUST DOES NOT GET BETTER THAN THISS!!!!!!!! I’m a little biased, but all my favorite things in one show. It’s incredible. Go see! Go to! Go now!

Company: Melancholics Anonymous
Show: Beanie Baby Divorce Play
Venue: Open Eye Theatre


I had entirely, entirely too much fun. Seriously DON’T MISS THIS.

Company: Greta Mae Geiser
Show: Antistrophe to an Andro-Sapphic Tragedy
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

A Refreshing New Greek Tragedy from The Chi!

Antistrophe For An Andro-Sapphic Tragedy was a real treat for us literature lovers at the festival. Totally Chock full of references and terms for the mythology geeks out here. It was brimming of powerful language, bitty bits, and lots and lots of grapes. I think the script was well developed, wish there was a tad bit more dancing (?) and wish the grape dude was just on stage for the entire show. I’ve seen a LOT this week and I think this is one of the very best. It’s new, it’s exciting, it’s refreshing, and most of all it’s got a great message and is unbelievably current. I laughed and I cried and I laughed some more. I’ll be thinking about this piece for a long time to come. Brava!

Company: Vee Signorelli
Show: Love Lies a Bleeding
Venue: Strike Theater


This is not only the best thing I’ve seen all fringe, but also the best thing I’ve seen all year. Every detail was spot on and it was just a f*****g RIOT! Go see this show!!
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