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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Sharon Ramirez

Company: Black and Foxy Co
Show: Kaleidoscope
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Poignant and personal perspectives. Entertaining

An eclectic group of performers, addressing their personal perspectives on various subjects: Edina. MN Nice. Cooling/baking, being Asian. "girl in wheelchair " gender identity.," traditional roles of women "and feminism, the Twin Cities as a hidden gem, etc. There was singing, dance. flute playing. spoken word. poetry. and comedy. Good variety show. Talented performers.

Company: Tennessee Playwrights Studio
Show: That Woman - The Monologue Show
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Very engaging and well done.

Well written, well acted and staged. The monologues flowed smoothly from one to another. The material was enlightening and sometimes intense. I was engaged the whole time. I loved the show and highly recommend it.
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