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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Luke Fanning

Company: Francesca Montanile Lyons
Show: VILE
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Vile, Rotten, Gross...go see it.

So many pluses: - physical/emotional endurance of the actor...WOW, she's an athlete. - Francesca's performance. She made me feel *seen* in a way that flipped my insides out. - cool multimedia work (she draws her own cartoons that are somehow adorable annnd reflect the hilarious horrors of late-stage capitalism?) - clever creative container to talk about rape that had me genuinely busting a gut lol - again, it's really funny. You'll feel bad and then feel good but? laugh the whole way.

Company: Mikala Bierma
Venue: The Southern Theater

If IFS therapy...fucked?

Yes, a nice exploration of our ~multitudes~ but Mikala Bierma also makes sure that you walk out having had FUN. I was lucky to see an earlier iteration of this show and was impressed with the additions and happy with what remained e.g., emotionally resonant cake, silly audience participation, and a masterful rendering of Rumpelstiltskin.
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