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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Ed Huyck

Company: W.A.S. Productions
Show: A Number
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Who needs prep time?

A Number is a last-minute add to the festival, only getting in a few days ago. Don't miss it! Caryl Churchill's dark one-act takes the stuff of science fiction -- human cloning -- and it turns it into a deep dive into the relationship between father and sons, nurture and nature, and the horrifying consequences of trying to fix past mistakes. Clarence Wethern plays three versions of the same son, each with different accents, mannerisms, and personalities. Gabriele Angieri only plays one character, but his ever-shifting nature provides a strong acting challenge the performer is more than up to here.

Company: Jamie Brickhouse
Show: I Favor My Daddy: A Tale of Two Sissies
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Delightful and insightful

Brickhouse takes deep into his family history, especially through his complex relationship with his alcohol-swilling, super-conservative, and possibly closeted father. This is all through the lens of the creator, a gay recovering alcoholic on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Brinkman brings his whole family to life in this touching performance.
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