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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Jeanie Johnston

Company: Transatlantic Love Affair
Show: 5 x 5
Venue: Open Eye Theatre


So much fun to see this group back in action! Worth waiting in line for!

Company: Orthogonal Productions
Show: Karaoke After Dark
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Super Fun!

If you have never been to a burlesque show, here is a good place to get an intro. These people dance and strip.....just not to the absolute nakey nakey...but almost! I went to the Big show. Big people. Big personalities and very, very brave! I totally disagree with the above poster saying it was not improv. ...that everything was set up before the show and that people had been picked out ahead of time to sing. Each show is different. There were not enough people who signed up at our show to sing so the cast was begging us and then actually sang themselves for at least one song. Make sure you bring some dollars to throw to make the whole experience even more fun!

Company: Fellow Travelers Performance Group
Show: Widening the Circle
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

I Absolutely Loved It!

By "Widening The Circle" these two experienced and wonderful dancers invited all of us in. A celebration of why we are here and also a thought provoking segment remembering students mowed down in schools due to gun violence. The majority of it was joy. I loved enjoying their smiles. This is dance/theater done well. 5 Kitties!!

Company: Greta Mae Geiser
Show: Antistrophe to an Andro-Sapphic Tragedy
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Completely Lost Me.

I wandered into this show not knowing a thing that it was about. It would have been so, so, so very helpful to have a flyer or program setting up the premise. As it was, I was completely lost the whole time. Yes, I love the Greek gods and goddesses, but I couldn't figure out who the main character was and why all these bad things were happening to her. Bacchus was a hoot.

Company: Broken Wing Productions
Show: The Wind Phone
Venue: The Ribs of Humanity at Campbell Plaza

Outdoor Fringing!

Oh how nice to Fringe outside! Just behind the Barbara Barker Center is a quiet space called "The Ribs of Humanity" where beautiful statues frame a amphitheater like stage. When you arrive you will walk past some hanging wind chimes as you find your seat in one of many camp chairs. The best seats, however, are on the concrete wall just in front of the chairs. Bring a nice pillow to sit on there, and you will then be ready to enjoy "The Wind Phone". This is no downer show, but a powerful look at healing the heart through the use of a phone, not connected to anything in this world. The actors are absolutely amazing as they convey words unsaid to people who have passed beyond. So much emotion.....especially by Boo Segersin. There are several different stories here that are joined together by the caretaker of this place. Loss, wistfulness, anger and joy are shared as folks speak to their Moms, Spouses, Mentors and Puppy Dogs. Go see this very special show, and enjoy a beautiful Minnesota evening outside.

Company: The Miller Conspiracy
Show: The Banana Wars
Venue: Phoenix Theater

This is good....real good!

This show was simply enthralling. I love history, and I love when something I never knew is shared. I never learned this history in history class. Derek is a fantastic storyteller. I learned so much and really enjoyed it at the same time! One of the best shows at Fringe. Go see it!

Company: Black and Foxy Co
Show: Kaleidoscope
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Loved This!

I think I have found my new favorite venue....storytelling shorts. Everyone so different and so passionate. My favorite was the women who danced anyway while facing the abyss. Brought tears to my eyes. My favorite Fringe show so far!

Company: Hey Rube!
Show: Yo-Ho-Hum: A Pirate's Midlife Crisis
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Run Away and Live your Dreams!

So much going on here. I loved the whole idea of Bonnet following his dreams and the swashbuckling fun that followed. However, the first mate, never really did realize her dream as she was caught up in his. So much more could have been developed here. Just focus on one person then. If you have two people in the tale, both tales need to be developed. Super fun, but kind of disjointed. Loved the physical comedy!

Company: The Project Factory
Show: Pants on Fire
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

This was super funny....Truth!

So much fun watching actors who don't usually do improv, do improv! So much fun! It would have been perfect (and a little more competitive) if there were not 5 points given for math and word puzzles.....keep them all at just 1 point! I also totally loved the screaming guitar in the corner that added to the fun!
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