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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Pamela Twiss

Company: Linnea Bond
Show: Heart Ripped Out Twice And So Can You!
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Best theater I have seen in years

I am a regular theater-goer, and have been for years. I have to say: Linnea Bond delivered a tour de force that one doesn't get to see very often. This wasn't just a great Fringe show. It was great theater, period. I cried from laughing through most of it, then cried through the poignant ending that brought everything together and captured my heart. I will anything that Linnea Bond does.

Company: Theatre On The Rocks
Show: A Horse Walks Out Onto the Stage and Dies
Venue: Phoenix Theater

We must be outliers on this one

My friend and I give this one 3 kitties. We went because of the very enthusiastic reviews, but felt like we were seeing a different play than the one described. The ups: there were some very funny moments, especially as the lead moved in and out of referencing the fact that we are at a fringe show, asking audience members how much time was left, and interacting with the audience. Sam excelled at that kind of interaction; more improv would have been welcomed. The whole play was very "meta" in a good way. The downs: We felt like the emotional stance of most of the play was too monotone to hold up for 45 minutes. The extreme of self-pity and anguish wasn't believable and needed to be interrupted with another emotion. At one point the horse asks, "is anyone here involved with an animal rights organization?" YES! I thought. We are going to move to hope and planning and improv with the audience about this strategy! Alas, that was just a laugh line before devolving back to self-pity.
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