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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Jacob Hellman

Company: Mike Fotis Productions
Show: The Camp Out
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

So This One Time, When We Went Camping...

While I appreciated the talents of the performers in their abilities to interact and be creative, the show I saw on 8/4 did not seem to work. Without much context at the beginning, I felt like I was jumping in on a show in the second act and had missed out on what was going on. The moments when they did catch on and established some witty back-and-forth repartee helped the story move along, but too many silent moments and waiting for someone else to speak slowed down the pace of the piece, letting the illusion slip somewhat into "what do we do now?" territory. I liked their usage of the space, bringing the performance into the aisles, but during some of those moments the actors on stage continued with the scene, and at other times they were silent. Overall, more context in the beginning would really help the audience follow along better.

Company: Playabunga Productions
Show: The Life Robotic
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

I, Robot

This is the 2024 way to do improv, people! The interactive texting element completely and utterly worked. The audience stayed engaged and committed to the storyline, the actors were on point and rolling with the cues from the main character (it was fun to watch them crack up occasionally, but it only added to the fun energy). I really felt like I was part of the show, and it was fun to talk to the people sitting near me afterwards to see which of their texts made it into the show. The one I went to see featured a guest appearance from Barbra Streisand, which always makes every show better. Make sure your phone is fully charged and be ready to be fully entertained by this talented group (with help from the audience of course)!
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