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Reviews for: The Life Robotic
SO funny!
I agree with the others that the whole texting thing is cool. "Audience participation" is usually a phrase I run away from but life robotic found a way to make it easy and harmless for all us introverts lol
A Unique Theatrical Experience... Each Time
I've seen Life robotic twice now. Both times were riotously funny. And both times were very different shows. Since their is SO much audience input, not only was the story very different, but even the overall prevailing comedy vibe felt different each time. The audience seemed more into borderline dark humor the first time, and the second time the crowd seemed to pile on more to outright absurdism. The cast did tremendously in both contexts. Michael Rogers is a joyful standout as the lead robot, stringing together text lines in a unified but still hilariously eccentric way.
Giggle city
This show was a wholesome and hilarious time. I laughed a ton. Incredibly talented crew!!
Easy recommendation, fun premise
I don't think I've ever seen a show hand over so much power to the audience. And yet the cast handled it all so well and so hilariously, even when presented with incredible curveballs. Like when out of nowhere the robot admitted he was responsible for creating the atomic bomb! Some sweet moments too even.
text YES to Life Robotic :)
I'll admit I kinda got dragged to this show by someone else who had been wanting to see it but I'm happy I did! Typically I put improv in the "its just not for me" box but this show got a lot of laughs out of me. The text lines from the crowd delighted me throughout, as did the quickwitted performers who had no choice but to work with them
Fun and innovative show
Really funny, absurd at times, exciting and fast-paced!
stupid (in the best way) fun
So funny! Rita was a real standout. The only slight bummer is that Michael as the robot can’t say any of his own lines, and he’s very funny. Really fun way to get the audience involved - it was so exciting to hear your text get read haha. Go see it, it’s fun!
Something New, Approachable, And Funny
I didn't text but still was engaged throughout. Big laughs, lots of them. Fun to see the people around me get excited whenever the robot actor said one of their lines.
A comedy format for the modern era
I loved this. I just hope they give me partial writing credit because the robot used one of my lines and it got a decent laugh. When can I expect the royalty check?
Cool Idea and Very Funny
One of my texts changed the trajectory of the entire story basically and it was cool to see things like that happen. If you think the concept sounds fun, yes yes it is.
A very cute show for improv fans
It's a great concept to get audience cues via text, and the skydiving scenes in the performance I attended were especially charmingly done. Some transitions were smoother than others but this isn't a completely scripted show, it's improv. I'm not actually a big improv fan, but this was still a very enjoyable show. I'd be curious to know how the future story lines evolve.
Funny idea, well executed
Basing a whole character's lines off of what the audience texts in could go so many different ways. The well-crafted show and strong improvisers made it all smooth and hilarious. Excited to hear about what happens at the rest of the performances!
I, Robot
This is the 2024 way to do improv, people! The interactive texting element completely and utterly worked. The audience stayed engaged and committed to the storyline, the actors were on point and rolling with the cues from the main character (it was fun to watch them crack up occasionally, but it only added to the fun energy). I really felt like I was part of the show, and it was fun to talk to the people sitting near me afterwards to see which of their texts made it into the show. The one I went to see featured a guest appearance from Barbra Streisand, which always makes every show better. Make sure your phone is fully charged and be ready to be fully entertained by this talented group (with help from the audience of course)!
Talented crew, fun concept
Good improv moments, good chemistry
now I wish tarzan would've officiated my wedding
I was amazed at how the guy playing the robot managed to weave all the disparate texts together, and maybe even more amazed at how the rest of the team managed to make a coherent story out of it. I think I might have to check out their "after dark" show on 10pm thursday now...
So funny. Great team
The toughest thing about improv? What to say next. These guys have a wonderful idea - ask the audience. The actors have a wonderful energy and of course the folks attending this show are looking for fun and ready to interact. From start to finish I loved this show and since it's improv, no two shows are the same. I think I'll come back again on another night for more fun.
Never Cook Bacon Naked
Improve can be so hit or miss and this crew hit it out of the park. Great chemistry and lots of uproarious laughs. Well done.
Talented funny cast working with a unique structure I've never seen before.
Blinded Me with Science
It's said near the beginning that every show will be different and random everytime, but, I can't help it, I'm pretty sure our audience's was the best. #andihelped
Good conceit, great execution
Maybe I'm biased as a 'co-writer' (quite a few of my texts got in ;) ) but I thought this show was brilliant. Tons of improv talent plus the thrill of getting a message in the show had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. you're the only den i see
So Fun
I didn’t know anything about this show going in, but it was such a fun and engaging show. I loved the concept of having audience members text in, and it turned out to be a very funny show. The actors were excellent, and I was so impressed.
This is such a creative show and phenomenally fit for fringe! Watching the actors trying to work around the repeatedly odd things to come out of the robots mouth was my favorite part (as well as the irony of Lauren Anderson telling us in the pre-show announcement to turn our phones off), and most of the time they hit the nail on the head! You will leave having had a great time.
daring fresh concept that really works
Im usually not a big fan of improv but I really enjoyed this one. Lots of laughs and you know the people on stage are really improvising because they have to work with all the texted dialogue from the audience. I didnt do too much texting myself but the people I was with got a huge kick out of whenever their lines were used. Live musical score was impressive, as were the whole cast really.
Unique Improv Experience
This reminded me of a show during the 2020 Fringe. I think it was called Text Show. But this was better. Never have I ever experienced improv like this and the cast and crew (host, slides guy, and musician) all did so so good. Very fun and get ready to text!
Conceptually Wonderful!
This was a great idea! The music was well done, the flow was well organized, the technology worked! This is an improvised show, which in this town starts to all look similar. Great concept!
The robot did not use dialogue only from audience members, however. It didn't seem to lean on texts as much as the premise let on.
This is what you're looking for
Ever since I fell in love with Whose Line Is It Anyway, I've been searching for improv show that has made me laugh as hard as that show. After years of shows not quite hitting the mark, this one hit, this was what I've been looking for. I've gone to the show about 5 times and will keep coming back for more.
Don Quixote created the atomic bomb
Great improv, it was cool to see your messages picked. I don't know how they managed all of those messages coming in, but they did a great job with it!
You Can Write This While Watching
You can create the lines the performers speak! This is a show where they want you to leave your phone on during the performance and text them dialogue for use. This is a cleaver concept and allows the audience to indirectly respond to the collective mood of the others in attendance. Lots of laughs. No heavy messages. No show the same. I would go again!
Creative and fun!
Just a fun show to laugh and enjoy.
We had a blast!
It was really funny and a lot of my texts were used in the show. Hopefully I can see it again before fringe is over. Highly recommend!
Original Concept that Creates Original Stories
The audience I was with helped create a story about a hand model who fell in love with and proposed to a motorcycle gang member, got fired because "no one wants to look married hands", then went on a misadventure in Disneyworld to pursue his dreams of becoming a Disney prince and because he wanted to find his "Real Dad"... Tarzan. You couldn't write this kind of gold if you tried. Hilarious and original concept.
Speed of Technology
What a fun and unique opporunity for audience participation. It was a bit hard to submit suggestions while keeping up with the pace of the show, which isn't entirely a problem and didn't discourage me from trying. We were there for the "After Dark" version of the show, which meant that there were a lot of Dildo references. Very strong cast of improvisors.
Speed of Technology
What a fun and unique opporunity for audience participation. It was a bit hard to submit suggestions while keeping up with the pace of the show, which isn't entirely a problem and didn't discourage me from trying. We were there for the "After Dark" version of the show, which meant that there were a lot of Dildo references. Very strong cast of improvisors.
Speed of Technology
What a fun and unique opporunity for audience participation. It was a bit hard to submit suggestions while keeping up with the pace of the show, which isn't entirely a problem and didn't discourage me from trying. We were there for the "After Dark" version of the show, which meant that there were a lot of Dildo references. Very strong cast of improvisors.
novel concept, brilliant execution
wow. what a fun concept and what a talented cast of performers. especially have to hand it to the person playing the robot. to be able to read a slew of incoming messages and pick out the funniest one, then perform it in-scene, takes some serious brain power. almost...computational power. beginning to suspect that robots live among us. bravo!
Messages didn't go through....
Try harder next time
Cast and Crew
Michael Rogers
Our Robot / Associate Director
You can also catch Michael this Fringe in his one-man show "As Above, So Below"
Erik Nielsen
Human Cast
Justin Betancourt
Human Cast / Dr. Tinkler
Laura Berger
Human Cast
You can also catch Laura this Fringe in "One Tree HELL"
Maria Bartholdi
Human Cast / Dr. Tinkler
Rita Boersma
Human Cast
You can also catch Rita this Fringe in "The Camp Out"
Allen Voigt
Stage Manager / Projections / Esteemed "Best Texts" Curator
John Hilsen
Creator / Director / Music By
More Information
The Life Robotic is the unscripted comedy show about a robot who wants to live a normal human life. But it can only say what the audience texts in on their cell phones. Hilarity ensues as the wannabe-human is unpredictably piloted in a hundred different directions by the crowd… and all the other actors on stage have to put up with it.

The audience drives the action, makes the decisions, and fuels the antics. All from the comfort of their seats, by using their own phones. Texting is purely optional but it is fun, especially when one of your lines make it in. Maybe you or one of your friends will even win Best Text of the Night!

Joining our robot on stage is a cast of very talented and funny actors. Not only do they have to put up with a main character who’s gone rogue and is being piloted in a hundred different directions, they also work with your texts to create a completely original story on the spot.

No two shows are alike. Will we see a rom com between a beekeeper and exterminator? An underdog sports story about a former pickleball champion? It all depends on where your texts and the actors take the story. Anything can happen— there’s no script! Even the musical score is completely made up on the spot.
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