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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Jared Wills

Company: Mikala Bierma
Venue: The Southern Theater

Feeding the Children

I'm an actor with a 3 YO kid... and part of this show explored the choice to be a parent and put your acting career on the backburner temporarily and I can RELATE. With the Toddler Lunch Song I felt personally attacked and simultaneously seen. :) Overall - super fun and highly recommend.

Company: The Improv Movement Project
Show: IMP presents Collidescope
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Movement Master Class

Really fun show. I LOVED all the different ways to tell a story without words. They created relationships, characters, and situations with only their physical bodies. I've seen the show a few times and like good improv there is no comparing one to another. I also loved the name Collidescope which invokes the toy with all the crazy light spinning but also their bodies flying through space and connecting - which at it's core is a really basic human need. This quote just really brings home what these actors accomplished, "For us, the kaleidoscope symbolizes ever changing and endless possibilities contained in the human experience. Like the kaleidoscope, each one of us has unique patterns and characteristics." Catch it this weekend, its a genuinely wonderful human experience.
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