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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Rebecca Harris

Company: Wet Splat Productions
Show: One Tree HELL
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Wonderfully Weird!

Interesting mix of surreal humor and genuine emotion; audience I was a part of was into both parts in equal measure. Had a great time with this show!

Company: Mahmoud Hakima
Show: Two Bowls of Cereal and Some Bacon
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Wonderfully Told Story

Transfixing tale that is equal parts funny and devastating; fantastically performed

Company: Alex Stokes / Sky Blue Productions
Show: Hugo and Maeve Join A Cult!
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

Hilarious Back and Forth

Has the makings of being a cult show with the many quotable lines and funny interactions

Company: Vela Dance
Show: Amber & Gold
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Wonderful Performances

A wide variety of dances performed by a talented ensemble. Perfect, picturesque way to open Fringe. From the title and poster I thought this was going to be a duo of dancers named Amber and Gold!

Company: WonderJ Studio
Show: Janelle Did You Know You Talk Really Fast?
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Fun Pop Culture Showcase

Light-hearted talk show with the host sharing her many interests. I liked Janelle’s interactions with the audience and the dances. Didn’t understand some of the references but Janelle’s enthusiasm was charming.
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