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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Scot Froelich

Company: Beta Fish Productions
Show: Welcome To The Food Chain
Venue: Strike Theater

I'm Tired Watching This

Rob Ward's energy level is the stuff of legends, to be sure, but this is something else. There's no pause, no rest, just frenzied performance. Like a wild beast chasing down its prey and gnawing at it with ferocity, Ward matches his characters' ravenous energy. In addition, he somehow squeezes in a dose of conservationism and anti-racism that deftly avoids preachy-ness. Godspeed in Edmonton - Canada deserves to be assaulted with your energy, Rob!

Company: Mahmoud Hakima
Show: Two Bowls of Cereal and Some Bacon
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Beautiful and heartbreaking

I missed this last time Mahmoud performed it at the Fringe and I was determined to catch it this time. We even moved it up in the schedule to ensure we caught it. I am SO GLAD that I caught it this time. It's beautiful, moving, and devastating. We put children through so much in this world and his quiet, thoughtful plea for society to do better is a message for all to hear and internalize.

Company: Pretend Productions
Show: Daddy Issues
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Allison is Awesome!

Having recently read Atul Gawande's "Being Mortal" and having aging parents, I have strong feelings about end-of-life care. The more we talk about it, the more we prepare for it, the more we are able to manage it. But we can never really know it until we experience it. Allison is immensely kind to her audience by positioning our capitalist healthcare system as a barrier to proper care ('cause of course it is and it's something you need to be prepared for) and providing resources in her program. No one should be left out in the cold in these situations, and her tale is so touching, personal, and insightful that you can't help but be better off having seen it.

Company: Theatre On The Rocks
Show: A Horse Walks Out Onto the Stage and Dies
Venue: Phoenix Theater

First time Fringe producer NAILS IT!

This was both SO FRINGEY and SO QUALITY at the same time, it's hard to believe it's a first time producer. Yet, here we are with a funny, edgy, relatable investigation of human purpose and existentialism. My hat's off to the folks who put this together and I eagerly anticipate your next endeavor!

Company: Rogues Gallery Arts
Show: Blackout Improv Does Something!!!
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater


I'm not an improv guy (mostly because I'm afraid of doing it myself) but Blackout Improv is solid gold. They never fall flat and always entertain at the highest level. I was fortunate enough to see the performance that began with a set by Theo Langason on guitar (have you found his Bandcamp page? You should!) and the rest of the crew took it from there. Tremendous, professional performances all around and if you haven't followed them on social media so you can see them year-round, do it now!

Company: Paper Soul
Show: Anti.Hero
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

The Trilogy En-----

I've enjoyed all of the shows in Motz' storytelling trilogy, but this was easily my favorite. He finds a different way of interpreting and executing the villain story that challenges the audience spend their time guessing how such a kind, friendly guy is going to somehow be THAT villain. And then when it hits, you can choose to be mad at him or respect that he pulled it off. Either way, SUCCESS!

Company: Michael Rogers
Show: As Above, So Below
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Picture Perfect

I've had the privilege of seeing Michael do storytelling before and regardless of the topic he brings such a deep, sophisticated touch to his style. This show took me absolutely by surprise, however. This performance was on such a different level that I felt like the guy in the chair in the old Maxell audio tape ads. It was a polished, high-quality performance buttressed by a nuanced, refined script. Not everyone has the moxie to pull of something of this caliber and quality at Fringe, but I'm definitely going to watch for everything Michael does from here on out, because... DAMN.

Company: Light Bringer Productions
Show: The Light Bringer
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Light brought!

As a middle-aged white guy, the algorithms don't generally provide me valuable or kind narratives of cultures that aren't exactly like mine. Everyone who looks like me should be obligated to see this show. Not because it's going to change our minds about the experience of Muslim immigrants (though it should) but because it's one of the most beautifully-crafted works of art out there to demonstrate the similarities of our human experience. Laila Lee conveys what is ultimately a HUMAN experience, and it's in those cultural similarities that men like me will be convinced of the humanity of others. This is exquisite, tremendous theatre, and I absolutely look forward to the sequel!

Company: Just Me Productions
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

A Strong MAN!

This is a beautiful production from start to finish. Max is an earnest, honest storyteller, inviting the audience to participate in his journey of discovery. And ultimately, that's what great theatre does: teach us something valuable and meaningful through the eyes of the protagonist. Max exudes the kindness and compassion he learned from his uncle and I kinda want him to be my uncle, now.
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