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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Christian McCarthy

Company: Rogues Gallery Arts
Show: Blackout Improv Does Something!!!
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Joyful and Bursting with talent

You walk in and leave with a smile. The synergy of the ensemble was wonderful in a way that made me so present with the performance as an audience member. First time seeing this group, and will be back.

Company: Eye of Jupiter Theatre
Show: The Greenhouse
Venue: The Southern Theater

Creative Concept Missing Fully Fledged Idea

I don't see this as a completed story. I appreciated several of the performances, particularly Ribs and Mother, but otherwise, I think it needs a lot of work. The concept is solid, but execution not as much.

Company: Transatlantic Love Affair
Show: 5 x 5
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Physicality in a Minimilast Approach

When a show gets it right in using close to nothing, and physically engages you for an hour, it's an impressive feat. There is an energy to this production that draws you in from start to finish. Seamlessly flowing throughout the hour. I would have liked to see this production in a bigger venue.

Company: Clevername Theatre
Show: The Peter Pan Cometh
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Another Script But We Do Our Thing!

Maybe I don't understand, maybe it's not for me, but I don't see taking a script, writing in new themes, and advertising it as a new work doing anything refreshing. The Virginia one was the best attempt at this. Some fun moments, you will probably laugh, but again, it's a script that already exists.

Company: Pretend Productions
Show: Daddy Issues
Venue: Phoenix Theater

The One Person Show To See

I don't normally love going to fringe for solo performances. This blew me away. The ability to entertain with a solo show in a festival with unlimited options is remarkable, and this is a must-see. Please make the time to witness Allison's storytelling.

Company: Dime Stage Co.
Show: The Zoo Story
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

3rd time is the charm?

This show has come to fringe 3 times in the last 10 years. Two previously were fine or watchable. I recognize fringe can not be the perfect vision. It's an event where you need to make things work. This didn't do that. Readthrough-like delivery, stagnant staging, a sound cue playing throughout the show. Didn't work for me.

Company: Shambles Theatre Company
Show: Good Ones
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Love the show, question the liberities

Good Ones is a well-put-together Fringe show acknowledging the performative politics of Minneapolis/Minnesota. In my opinion, a community that would greatly benefit from being confronted with this performance, as it humorously brings these people to the forefront in a way where you could laugh at yourself in a lot of ways, but further reflect on your contribution to the community. A lot of the show works, and works very well. There are several moments, that while I understand the message, I just am not sure the representation on stage flows with the traumatic and/or historical experience they are bringing to light.

Company: The Brothers Dangus
Show: The Brothers Dangus Vol. 3: Wealth and Hellness
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Know What You're In For

Can't knock the vision. This group manages to put some of the silliest bottom of the floor comedy in their shows and make it work. It is not for everyone, but must review it based on the quality of it's "not for everyone" if this makes sense... It's a great show. Know you're in for a good time and certainly nothing high-brow.

Company: OcTeapus Productions
Show: The MacScottish Play
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Fun, Enjoyable, Fringe

Walked in with a different idea of the show than I received and was pleasantly surprised! Fun one for your fringe radar.

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: The Dumb Waiter
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Speaking loudly while saying nothing

There was something peculiar incredibly present within this show for it's entire journey. The silence at times was almost deafening in moments where you could pick out anything in the room. This seemed to radiate throughout the audience. One of the most compelling Fringe shows I have seen in recent memory after seeing this company do more new/dance work at fringe.
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