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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Cate Jackson

Company: Tennessee Playwrights Studio
Show: That Woman - The Monologue Show
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre


I didn't know any of these women. I knew JKF was a pos, but I had never devoted brain space to seeing just how catastrophic his actions were for many. I wish we lived in a time where these stories seems outdated, old fashioned, long ago - rather than very present and like yesterday. The script is simple and elegant, as is the acting.

Company: Justice Theatre Consortium
Show: Defibrillator
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance


Beautifully and empathetically performed. It was really cool to see this told from Jenny's community's perspective. I immediately recognized characters from my own life and who would have taken charge of what.

Company: Dark Roast Arts
Show: They Still Make Film For That?
Venue: Strike Theater

Very cool, a nice nerd out break

This is unlike anything else at Fringe this year. In the season of one person shows, I appreciated having a 45 minute break to listen to a lovely person talk about their favorite thing. Be warned, you WILL be tempted to pick up a new expensive hobby! I loved being reintroduced to a happy meal toy I'd long forgotten and sorely regret losing to time.

Company: Rebecca Wickert
Show: Seance Sisters
Venue: Strike Theater

Could have been...

The actors are the best part of this show, 5/5 for them. Very moving and inhabit their parts beautifully. Costumes and set are also spot on. The stage magic is very cool and I was swept up in how they hid the mechanics perfectly. The script is DENSE and forces the actors to maintain an intensity throughout most of the show that makes it very one note. Rather than one or two central conflicts, there are about five. The shift from one to the next is jarring. It really is a lovely show, and stick around if you are in the area.

Company: Alex Stokes / Sky Blue Productions
Show: Hugo and Maeve Join A Cult!
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

I mean, I'd join...

This is such a fun time! I commend the actors for keeping pace with a fast script packed with wit. It gets a bit stream of consciousness at times. I can't wait to see a fuller version of this show with a bit more action, and maybe more characters? Very funny, unsurprising as Alex is one of the funniest people I know. And I can confirm from experience that the Doc Martens wifi password is historically accurate circa 2011-13.

Company: Shambles Theatre Company
Show: Good Ones
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

tHis ShOW is dOInG tHe WOrk

Masterfully made Bouffon accessible to a wide range of audience while staying true to the ethos of the art form. I applaud anyone who can cut deep and harsh, and still bring us back to the laugh over and over. This is the Fringe I love!

Company: On Whee Puppet Theatre
Show: Teen Wolf Killed My Grandma: A Memoir
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Lovely expression of grief

This is a lovely show to catch if you are in the area. I knew very little about Teen Wolf, but they do a great job explaining the joke while telling it so I still chuckled at the punch lines. There was a lot to pack into a fringe timeslot, but I think this is a wonderful first draft of a show they could develop further and tour in future.

Company: Broken Wing Productions
Show: The Wind Phone
Venue: The Ribs of Humanity at Campbell Plaza


Lovely show gently told. They somehow made a corner of one of the busiest intersections in the area into a quiet, safe space. If you are or have ever been on a grief journey, come see this show.

Company: Vulva Va-Voom & Company
Show: TransMasculine Cabaret, Starring Vulva Va-Voom
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

How far we've come

The opening of this show doesn't do it justice and the voiceover gets overwhelming where I had to really focus to not tune out. But I am very glad I stayed in it because once the heart of it starts to come out it is a beautiful show. I commend them for the bravery it takes to be that vulnerable anywhere, let alone on stage. One part of the show reminded how fortunate we are that our "anthems" are now mainstream, for the most part, and celebrated in pop culture. And hell, even the fact that our community is exploited for advertising for a month of the year, because even that is sooo much better than it was. It's a hard reality that this show may be preaching to the choir in Minneapolis, but it could save a life everywhere else they tour.

Company: Melancholics Anonymous
Show: Beanie Baby Divorce Play
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Love!! Don't miss!

Anyone familiar with Melancholics is unsurprised they were a sell out risk for their opening show. Brilliantly funny and empathetic, I can wait to catch whatever is next for this company!

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: The Dumb Waiter
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Always great!

If you're a Pinter fan you will love this interpretation. If you're not a Pinter fan, but you love good theater, you will still love this show. Jackdonkey knows how to put good people together to do good work. These actors effortlessly fill the space and it was a pleasure to watch.

Company: Hey Rube!
Show: Yo-Ho-Hum: A Pirate's Midlife Crisis
Venue: Theatre in the Round


Fun, but a could be tightened up. Some good Bits and solid comedic choices. Worth a visit if your interested area and want a lighthearted break.

Company: Funk Haus Theater
Show: Interstella 5555: A Daft Punk Discovery
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

This is fringe

This is what fringe is for. So creatively told and imaginative, and very happy to see the care taken in telling a clear story. Vibes were immaculate.

Company: Team Rand-McKay
Show: Dream of Me
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Made me think

This is a very cool concept that wants to be a full show, and I hope they continue developing the script. I love the blending of themes of grief and loss with the morality and social use for AI.

Company: The Feral Theatre Company
Show: Mae West's The Drag
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Lovely homage

Mae West would have loved Chappell Roan and would have been very proud of this show. The pace and energy take a bit to pick up, but once they got the ball rolling the energy is there. I just want more!! The script is wonderfully modernized while honoring the original text, which is brilliant and beyond it's time. I wish Mae and those she loved could see how far we've come, and this cast honors them beautifully.

Company: The Blair Kitsch Project
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance


I cannot post to the fringe website the amount of cursing and foul language I want to use to express my love for this show. They absolutely nailed every beat and I wanted two full hours. I'd watch them do the full musical, but I think Patti would rise out of her non-equity shadows to build a pool with their bones if they did. Bravo!
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