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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Mary Johnson

Company: Francesca Montanile Lyons
Show: VILE
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

What a ride

This show jumps around from one thing to the next. Some parts are real great, others were not for me. I do wish Fringe would have a "rape content" warning rather than just "sexual content" as the two mean totally different things. The fairy was not for me, but the rest I enjoyed. I love sad clowns, and this one is endearing and deserving of a happy ending. The vulnerable ending was silly and sweet. I hope this traveling artist comes back!

Company: The Miller Conspiracy
Show: The Banana Wars
Venue: Phoenix Theater

So nice I saw it Twice

I saw this show the last time Derek did it at the Strike Theatre many years back. I remember enjoying it, but not remembering much other than the ill fate of that old banana. This time a lot more stuck with me. It is information PACKED so you gotta pay attention or you're gonna miss something. Not an emotionally draining viewing, but not a relaxing one either. Derek is so talented at story telling and you can tell he has a passion for the subject. History buffs will love it! History not so buffs (like me) will still like it.

Company: Rebecca Wickert
Show: Seance Sisters
Venue: Strike Theater

Couldn't connect

This show had great acting, pretty props, and lovely costumes. However, the script was discombobulated and contradicted itself. The actors were feeling SO HARD and acting SO MUCH but because the story wasn't clear, the origin of their emotions also wasn't clear. As a result, it was hard to connect with them as they poured their heart out on stage. Truly an interesting subject, though I feel the direct audience address undercut any character or emotional development and made things awkward. I also felt like it was unsafe to have volunteers on stage during blackouts. There is a reason tech booths warn everyone before they happen.

Company: Tristan Miller
Show: Least Likely To Succeed: Tales From A Midwestern Homeschooler
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

Stand-up Comedy!

I don't think I've ever been to a show at Fringe that was Stand-Up Comedy! I feel like the closest things I've seen is storytelling. It was nice to experience something outside of the typical fringe box. I related very closely to a lot of Tristan's jokes, which made them all the funnier for me. This homeschooled church gal IDENTIFIED. Perhaps that's not a good thing? Either way, I enjoyed it and laughed a bunch.

Company: Alex Stokes / Sky Blue Productions
Show: Hugo and Maeve Join A Cult!
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl


This show was very silly. So silly the actors themselves found their jokes funny, which undercut the world of the show a bit. It was funny and morbid, but it did feel like there was some missed opportunities with the idea of them being "chased". We even heard another cult member at the beginning of the show that I was expecting to see, but alas, not such thing happened. I'd like to see this show workshopped and expanded. There is more potential there! Remount!

Company: Pretend Productions
Show: Daddy Issues
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Allison is a talent the twin cities must treasure

What can't this woman do! I've seen Allison in many shows, but never a solo show that was written by her, and yet her show was as professional and polished as everything else she's done. The story is so well told with lots of heart and vulnerability, with enough humor to take care of the audience. I appreciate stories of caring for parents and the resources she shared. What a superwoman Allison is.

Company: Melancholics Anonymous
Show: Beanie Baby Divorce Play
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

So silly. I like it.

This show was so absurd, but not in a way that meant you couldn't understand it. I LOVED the villain. The actor's physicality was GREAT! Extremely unique story, doesn't feel like something you've already seen a billion times in different ways. Was the story a little disconnected at times, yes, did I care, not really! Bring on the hell spawn!

Company: Corpus Dance Works
Show: All The Hullabaloo
Venue: The Southern Theater


I loved this dance show! Dance is not my priority at Fringe, so this one was not on my list, but when I found myself with an empty slot I decided to give it a go, and boy oh boy am I glad I did! What I loved: The monologues, the use of props, the BRILLIANT use of the space (which is usually not used to it's full potential), the whimsy, and the DANCING! What I didn't like: I was left with an intense craving for kid's cereal. Time to go make some poor eating decisions!

Company: Transatlantic Love Affair
Show: 5 x 5
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

So fun

TLA was amazing, as always. Their amazing use of physicality and ensemble work is top notch in this fast paced piece. I t was so refreshing to see them in a fun and silly show for once. Honestly, I don't know if I've ever seen TLA do something so light-hearted, and it was wonderful. But just because it was fun, doesn't mean it had no substance. The last story especially was so sweet and touching. Go see this show, if you can get in! Good luck!

Company: Clevername Theatre
Show: The Peter Pan Cometh
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Well done

This show was well done. I don't know The Iceman Commeth, but I still enjoyed it. Without knowledge of that play or the real story of Peter Man (not just the Disney Movie) you may be a bit lost. Very well acted and I WANT THOSE SHOES!

Company: Playabunga Productions
Show: The Life Robotic
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Unique Improv Experience

This reminded me of a show during the 2020 Fringe. I think it was called Text Show. But this was better. Never have I ever experienced improv like this and the cast and crew (host, slides guy, and musician) all did so so good. Very fun and get ready to text!

Company: Mike Fotis Productions
Show: The Camp Out
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Top Tier Improv

I loved this show. I LOVE when improv can be funny and sad at the same time. The moments of quiet and stillness did not slow the show down. Every performer was amazing. Highly suggested!

Company: The Brothers Dangus
Show: The Brothers Dangus Vol. 3: Wealth and Hellness
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Hate Watch

I'm not saying don't see it. It's like watching a bad movie for fun. I did not see their first show, but I did see their second, and this one is very similar in that I had no idea what was going on, but I could follow enough that i was disgusted. The crude potty humor was so stupid, but at the same time it was so clever and engaging. Did I like it? No. Would I see another Dangus show? ....yes...

Company: Tennessee Playwrights Studio
Show: That Woman - The Monologue Show
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

History Performed

I learned a lot from this show! are kinda gross, eh?

Company: Black and Foxy Co
Show: Kaleidoscope
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Diverse Cast!

This was truly a diverse cast. All sorts of people were represented. Each person had a chance to tell their own story. Some did better than others, but the overall experience was still good. They have a different theme every performance. I especially liked Ileri Okikiolu

Company: WonderJ Studio
Show: Janelle Did You Know You Talk Really Fast?
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance


This show is pure fun. Janelle and her co-host are a fun combo. I liked the k-pop dance bit, and I am not familiar with k-pop. High energy with moments of nice story telling. Perfect if you are tired and need to be energized!

Company: Team Rand-McKay
Show: Dream of Me
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Cool Sci-Fi Show

It was nice to see Sci-Fi on stage as it doesn't happen often. It was a very cool concept and I enjoyed seeing it play out. Some beats were a bit stale and the steaks could have been higher, but I still had a great time.

Company: Paper Soul
Show: Anti.Hero
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Evil Motz

I liked this 3rd show a lot. Much less heart than the first two, but that fit with the theme. It was very funny and I laughed a lot! I enjoyed the concept and Motz is a great story teller, as always. Lots of heart and lots of laughs.

Company: Fearless Comedy Productions
Show: A Murder on the Great Grimpen Mire Express
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Very Fringe

This show was very Fringe-y. Silly and clever with over-the-top characters and good actors. The costumes were way above what one usually sees at Fringe, which was fun to see. Come to this if you want a safe good time.

Company: Mermaid Productions
Show: A Monster Scientist and a Tattooed Anarchist Walk into a Bar
Venue: The Comedy Corner - Underground

Educational and Funny!

I have seen many Rev Matt shows. I saw the performance about petrifying gazes. As always it was funny and educational. I am glad Rev Matt sat down because it was hard to see the screen. It was not my favorite show I've seen by him, but still very fun!

Company: Denzel Belin Presents
Show: 5 Episodes of Minnesota Tonight; 4 Minnesota Fring3, it’s Minnesota 2Night’s 1st Time at Minnesota Fringe.
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre


I saw the second show. It is a fun late-night show with a MN focus. It was fun learning more about Rev Kessen. The sketch comedy was just okay. The second comedian at the top was great. Denzel was cute and a good host.
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