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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Richard Shields

Company: Linnea Bond
Show: Heart Ripped Out Twice And So Can You!
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Reality Based

Strong emotions are invoked in this performance. The show begins in a fun manner. Turn fast.

Company: Funk Haus Theater
Show: Interstella 5555: A Daft Punk Discovery
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Oh Wow Wow Wow

If you needed to feel alive this was the show! The nine person cast was literally non-stop. Energy aplenty. The crows was wild and a huge part of the audience gathered in the lobby to greet the cast. Hope to see them in the future!

Company: Ken Takata
Show: Musical Settings for Shakespeare
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Wonderful Concept

There were some very compelling musical numbers. Also some powerful vocalists.I would have benefited from a written program. Some of the modern settings could be used in a contemporary musical of the relevant play.

Company: Wet Splat Productions
Show: One Tree HELL
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Enjoyed The Performance

A unique theatre. Cast had fun with the show and so did I. Some strong talent that will be foundations for many future productions.

Company: Theatre On The Rocks
Show: A Horse Walks Out Onto the Stage and Dies
Venue: Phoenix Theater

A Fine Show

Some clever lines and a nice premise. Enjoyed it.

Company: Broken Wing Productions
Show: The Wind Phone
Venue: The Ribs of Humanity at Campbell Plaza

Surprise Venue Produces Great Show

This outdoor venue was a pleasure to discover and Friday night was wonderful weather wise. The Wind Phone is apparently a real concept that allows a person to speak to the departed and also the living! Grieving, need closure, have something to get off your chest? That is what the Wind Phone is for. The only drawback is that being at an outside venue you get street and airplane noise but I loved the setting.

Company: WonderJ Studio
Show: Janelle Did You Know You Talk Really Fast?
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

A Nice Show

This is a bit of dance, music, audience participation and humor offered by an energetic set of performers. Worth being in your schedule. And just a personal note: as a class of '75, member out of Macalester, I can assure you we are incapable of displaying snottiness as suggested by a cat member! Upbeat show.

Company: Mahmoud Hakima
Show: Two Bowls of Cereal and Some Bacon
Venue: Theatre in the Round

What A Quality One Person Show Looks Like

This is what a quality one person Fringe Show should look like. Skillfully written, fast paced, cohesive, emotionally moving and well acted. I was moved by the range of emotions displayed by this performer and in turn felt a strong range of emotions. This should be on your short list of must sees.

Company: Michael Shaeffer
Show: Thy Hard
Venue: The Comedy Corner - Underground

Fast Paced

The show flows. Some of it is done in a very shot from the hip style. I liked it. It is not a particularly innovative but it is clever and fun. This venue can only be reached by a steep staircase.

Company: Sugar Throw Theatre
Show: Once Upon A Pine: The Adventures of Pinocchio
Venue: Theatre in the Round

A Charming Show

It is directed at a child's audience but fun. Fast paced. The costumes are often clever. I wanted to be inside that fish? I got a near Fringo too by attending!

Company: Kari Heistad
Show: Playing Dead
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Solid Show

Well written and insightful. The acting was strong. Even the set exceed the average Fringe stage setting. Dead can unite or divide family members. This show clearly displays the extreme impact of unclosed conflicts. Recommended you consider this one.

Company: Denzel Belin Presents
Show: 5 Episodes of Minnesota Tonight; 4 Minnesota Fring3, it’s Minnesota 2Night’s 1st Time at Minnesota Fringe.
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Lots of Variety

Some music, lots of comedy, some reflection and some serious moments. Tonight's show talked about the origins of the show, race and censorship. Do pizza, sushi and comedy blend well?

Company: Michael Rogers
Show: As Above, So Below
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Strong One Person Performance

We got a strong monologue centered on relationships with family and self. He held the audience and displayed a range of emotions often with great intensity.

Company: Vela Dance
Show: Amber & Gold
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Grace and Discipline

This group displayed both grace and discipline. They took me on a journey of the imagination. There were no circus like movements or over the top stunts. Solid movement and a pace that allowed the viewer to follow the show.

Company: Juliet & Juliet
Show: Juliet & Juliet: Improvised Shakespeare
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Talented Performers

The audience on Sunday were roaring with laughter. This is a fast paced show and you need to be careful to not miss anything. The two person cast plays off each other well. At the start of the show they ask for at least four words to use in the performance. They did a grand job creating a working story. High energy. A must if you want to see a strong, humorous two person cast create in the spirit of Shakespeare.

Company: Playabunga Productions
Show: The Life Robotic
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

You Can Write This While Watching

You can create the lines the performers speak! This is a show where they want you to leave your phone on during the performance and text them dialogue for use. This is a cleaver concept and allows the audience to indirectly respond to the collective mood of the others in attendance. Lots of laughs. No heavy messages. No show the same. I would go again!

Company: Hey Rube!
Show: Yo-Ho-Hum: A Pirate's Midlife Crisis
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Fun Show

This is a fun filled show out to entertain and it does. Embrace your dreams. No heavy messages. A romp providing laughs. Do you want to be a pirate, a gentleman or both? Go for the laughs! They writer did with success.

Company: Tennessee Playwrights Studio
Show: That Woman - The Monologue Show
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

The Six Loves of KFK

JFK was a man that apparently made himself available to women. This show exploded six such women. They had various backgrounds and their lives were not all impacted in the same manner. Some tell of betrayal and disappointment others viewed his attentions as an enjoyable time. Some of their stories you know. Others likely you will meet for the first time. I left with questions. I highly recommend this production.

Company: Fearless Comedy Productions
Show: A Murder on the Great Grimpen Mire Express
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Wick Plus Doyle Plus Christie Equal Fun!

A wonderful comedy romp using a mix of Doyle and Christie characters. Nice costumes and a good setting enhance the production. And of course an element of mystery. Well written and the fearsome werewolf adds a faux Gothic element - seriously.

Company: Mermaid Productions
Show: A Monster Scientist and a Tattooed Anarchist Walk into a Bar
Venue: The Comedy Corner - Underground

The Space Isn't The Only Thing That's Deep

I saw Ariel Pinkerton's 4 PM show today and it held my attention. She does know how to deliver a story. This was an autobiographical one centered around relationships, COVID times, employment and growing up. She is candid and clear about ups and downs. Some deep topics, frankly addressed. Somethings to know: this is a basement space reached only by going down a staircase. There is the possibility of food and beverage service. She rotates her with a different performer so check schedule. Btw, the chairs were not the gentlest. Still, this should get your consideration if you want a reality based, one person show.

Company: Silly Miss Tilly
Show: Take the
Venue: The Southern Theater

Upbeat, Yes You Can

I liked the show. There were some very strong voices among the cast. The numbers selected for vocals were life affirming and hope filled. The cast has a strong feature in the performance arts field. Some clever, creative but simple setting background pieces. I would remind the director that the Southern is a cavernous space, so a tad louder for the spoken parts please. If you want to support young, fresh artists go to this show!

Company: Eye of Jupiter Theatre
Show: The Greenhouse
Venue: The Southern Theater

Life, Death, Renewal

Life and death are part of the same cycle of existence. That what I got from this show. Cast had strong audience support at the show I was at. Creative use of set and an ability to command the space was displayed by cast.

Company: Justice Theatre Consortium
Show: Defibrillator
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Reality and A Hunger For Lasagna

A reality based show that uses humor to tackle a life and death situation. This four person cast keeps things moving. I learned somethings about heart trouble. This show should appeal to those who want some content with their entertainment. The lasagna reference was clever and made me hungry. There were times when I had trouble hearing the presentation when a cast member needed to increase her volume. I liked the show and it exceeded expectations.

Company: Big Empty Barn Productions
Show: Bremner Sings Everything In New Orleans Is A Good Idea
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

A Life of Music

I was was pleasantly surprised by the range of talent displayed: musical instruments, voice, storytelling and comedy. He did fail fashion with his attempt to slip into an secondhand dress - but with great humor. His show is strongly influenced by the magic of New Orleans, but also years in Scotland and other locales. He has an energy that is positive. He told us this current show is still in development. He knows how to work the audience. I liked this show and this performer. The New Orleans basis was a bonus.

Company: The Feral Theatre Company
Show: Mae West's The Drag
Venue: Theatre in the Round

This Is Where The Party Is!

This show was fast paced and full of high energy. Drag with music and glamour. First rate performers. And outfits to die for! Well acted and performers had a sense of the venue. Suggest you secure tickets soon as likely to sellout as word gets out. Some serious moments too.

Company: Clevername Theatre
Show: The Peter Pan Cometh
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Not A Nursery Yarn

This is an "after" story told by some of the Peter Pan characters. Life is not a great adventure in today's Neverland. In fact, burnout is the new reality. Until Peter returns and seems to sell a new reality. But is he full of it or delusional? Show has a serious tone at times that will make some uncomfortable but it has a finished feel in like many Fringe shows. Cast performed well in a round venue.
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