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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Rob Dunkelberger

Company: Juliet & Juliet
Show: Juliet & Juliet: Improvised Shakespeare
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Breathtakingly brilliant

Company: Team Rand-McKay
Show: Dream of Me
Venue: Theatre in the Round

A romantic grieving nightmare

Company: Amy Oppenheimer
Show: Looking for Justice (in all the wrong places)
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

Thought provoking

Company: Bugalug Ink
Show: What You Need to Do Is!
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Very audience participatory

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: The Dumb Waiter
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Entertaining and great performances

Company: MaMa Faerie Productions
Show: Show Me Your Wings
Venue: Squirrel Haus Arts

Unique and inspiring

Company: The World Crime League
Show: We Were Only Henchmen
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Fun look at working class henchmen

Company: Mike Fotis Productions
Show: The Camp Out
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Great group of improv performers

Company: OcTeapus Productions
Show: The MacScottish Play
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Decent idea poorly executed

Company: Alondra Alamilla
Show: The Ghost of Frankenstein's Bride
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

25 mins of content stretched to 45

Company: Boiled Horse Productions
Show: Stroke of Genius: Pantomime Masturbation Throughout Performing Arts History
Venue: Strike Theater

Presented as a college course

Company: Beta Fish Productions
Show: Welcome To The Food Chain
Venue: Strike Theater

Wild and very very energetic

Company: Jason Schommer
Show: A Material Boy Living In A Madonna World!
Venue: Strike Theater

Schommer’s shows are always full of laughs

Company: Michael Shaeffer
Show: Thy Hard
Venue: The Comedy Corner - Underground

Fun mashup of Die Hard and Shakespeare

Company: Vee Signorelli
Show: Love Lies a Bleeding
Venue: Strike Theater

Great cast, very funny!

Company: Shambles Theatre Company
Show: Good Ones
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Fringe of the day award winner

Company: The Project Factory
Show: Pants on Fire
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Hilarious guests in the Four Humors

That’s an Allison Vincent Bingo!!!!

Company: Rogues Gallery Arts
Show: Blackout Improv Does Something!!!
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Blackout Improv is always hilarious

Company: Dime Stage Co.
Show: The Zoo Story
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

One act play with very strong acting.

Company: On Whee Puppet Theatre
Show: Teen Wolf Killed My Grandma: A Memoir
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Heads up full of spoilers

Company: Melancholics Anonymous
Show: Beanie Baby Divorce Play
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

The Fringiest

Company: Hey Rube!
Show: Yo-Ho-Hum: A Pirate's Midlife Crisis
Venue: Theatre in the Round

great fun for the Pirate in your life

Company: Francesca Montanile Lyons
Show: VILE
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Very strange though not unentertaining

Company: Vulva Va-Voom & Company
Show: TransMasculine Cabaret, Starring Vulva Va-Voom
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

very fun, but also an important story to tell.

Company: Emily Boyajian
Show: Transition: A Story of Two Trans People Becoming Themselves
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Absolutely jaw dropping Songs and cast

Emily Boyajian is a very talented composer and I cannot wait to hear more from her.

Company: Broken Wing Productions
Show: The Wind Phone
Venue: The Ribs of Humanity at Campbell Plaza

Beautifully haunting

Company: Clevername Theatre
Show: The Peter Pan Cometh
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Another great mashup

Company: Light Bringer Productions
Show: The Light Bringer
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

very engaging performer and storyteller

Company: The Miller Conspiracy
Show: The Banana Wars
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Another Must See for Miller

Company: Rebecca Wickert
Show: Seance Sisters
Venue: Strike Theater

great atmosphere and performances

Company: Mikala Bierma
Venue: The Southern Theater

Self deprecating humor of fabulous performer

Company: Alex Stokes / Sky Blue Productions
Show: Hugo and Maeve Join A Cult!
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

great character work, could be expanded

Company: Lauren Hance of Out of Mind Prodcutions
Show: Holy O
Venue: Corner Coffee Uptown

one that rewards repeat viewings

Company: Linnea Bond
Show: Heart Ripped Out Twice And So Can You!
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

packs an unexpected emotional punch

Company: nayXnay productions
Show: Francis Grey and the Case of His Dead Boyfriend: a One-Man Whodunnit
Venue: Phoenix Theater

ingeniously executed whodunnit

Company: Pretend Productions
Show: Daddy Issues
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Best in Fest!!

Allison Vincent shows once again what an incredible artist she is. A must see!

Company: Fearless Comedy Productions
Show: A Murder on the Great Grimpen Mire Express
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

a very enjoyable whodunnit full of laughs

Company: Theatre On The Rocks
Show: A Horse Walks Out Onto the Stage and Dies
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Sam Sweere's performance drives this one home!

Company: The Brothers Dangus
Show: The Brothers Dangus Vol. 3: Wealth and Hellness
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Fully committed cast but this is not for everyone

Company: Deft Pictures
Show: Secrets Under the Christmas Tree: A Deedee Wallaby Mystery
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Solid little script with a mystery that plays fair

Company: Transatlantic Love Affair
Show: 5 x 5
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

The show to beat this year
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