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2024 Audience Reviews

Member Reviews

The following reviews were submitted by Fringe Member: Corrie Fiedler

Company: Tennessee Playwrights Studio
Show: That Woman - The Monologue Show
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

What a great idea!

The staging and the monolog approach worked really well. We had difficulty hearing and/or understanding some of the actors, while other were 'loud and proud' in their enunciation.

Company: The Feral Theatre Company
Show: Mae West's The Drag
Venue: Theatre in the Round

A fabulous idea for a Fringe production!

Who knew that Mae West wrote this one act? [I didn't]. Such a creative idea to present it as a Fringe play! Rolly was fantastic, and the supporting actors were fine. The queens were "beyond fantastic." I wish the group would have been in a conventional theater, or adapted to the Theater in the Round situation a bit better.

Company: Amy Oppenheimer
Show: Looking for Justice (in all the wrong places)
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

If shades of grey are your thing!

I knew (from the web site) that Amy's career had focused on practicing law, so I was expecting a coherent and educational conversation, rather than comedy. And coherent and educational was exactly what we got. Her story dug deep into 'what is just' in any situation having many perspectives and points of view in any given situation. It is the way I see the world, and I appreciated her insight. Even more, we see many Fringe shows about gay men and transexuals coming out, but in 20+ years of MN Fringe I don't remember seeing a show including a lesbian coming out story. Finally, the information page on this show is outstanding: much about self-actualization and meeting one's goals than many Fringe shows that actually focused on this topic.

Company: Dime Stage Co.
Show: The Zoo Story
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

Acting brings some sense to absurdism

The Zoo Story is a tough play to present and to understand (I've seen all three Fringe versions). Just two guys on - and around - the park bench. Jackson kept our attention from beginning to end, even though his actions and conversation were (mostly) absurd.

Company: Beta Fish Productions
Show: Welcome To The Food Chain
Venue: Strike Theater

An absolute blast!

There is no way to adequately describe this show: great costumes, funny, educational, and the list could go on. A horror-comedy with an academic set of sources? Just when you think you have seen it all, it gets even crazier with more man-eaters. Our biggest question is what sort of workout Rob needed to impersonate the crocodile. Very impressive!

Company: Mary L. Schmidt
Show: Playing Dress-Up: The Stories & Clothes of Our Lives
Venue: Strike Theater

For something completely different (in a good way)

More than any other Fringe show, Mary opened up her one-woman show to the audience. Conversational, informative, and funny stories and demonstrations about clothing over the years [I'm jealous for students in her public speaking classes. She definitely has a gift].

Company: Clevername Theatre
Show: The Peter Pan Cometh
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Do your pre-reading first!!

Unlike other reviewers, I wasn't familiar with The Iceman Cometh and "Peter & Wendy" was too far back in my memory to be accessible during the play. None-the-less, we enjoyed it ALOT - especially Alec and Nick's over-the-top acting. I did read short summaries of both source materials this morning and enjoyed clevername theater's performance even more!

Company: Light Bringer Productions
Show: The Light Bringer
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

Wow, just wow!

We expected this to be somewhat serious, but there is so much charming humor and truth. Laila does such a good job of bringing us from her childhood in Saudi Arabia to her young adulthood in Florida. The conflicting pressure between her family, her iman, and US culture is very well presented. Can't wait to see "The Chase" - her sequel.

Company: Kara Millerhagen
Show: Turn Your Suck into Suckcess!
Venue: Mixed Blood Theatre

A satire and solid truth, all at the same time!

On one hand, this is a very light handed satire of corporate 'all hands on board' meetings. And on the other hand, Kara gives us a very light handed version of self motivation. Music is fabulous. Could have used a little less of the NJ accent!

Company: Big Empty Barn Productions
Show: Bremner Sings Everything In New Orleans Is A Good Idea
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Bremner (out of towner) deserves bigger audiences!

We saw Bremner at 10pm on Thursday = not the best slot. None-the-less, he is a pro and gave us a heartfelt show. And not only music, stories, and creative use of plastic, but a good life lesson: "if you have a dream, start on that path."

Company: Linnea Bond
Show: Heart Ripped Out Twice And So Can You!
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

The toughest type of review...

After all these years of Fringe and Fringe reviews, reviews for this type of show continue to confuse me. Part of a review's audience is the artist: to make sure they get lots of attendees. The other part of the review's audience is potential attendees to make sure they enjoy the Fringes they attend. As for the first, I can obviously observe the performer & writer's skill. First rate in every way. As for the second (did we enjoy it?). The answer is 'not so much.' As the description states, it is "part existential howl." And if you find existential howls frustrating, then this is probably not for you.

Company: Team Rand-McKay
Show: Dream of Me
Venue: Theatre in the Round

A+ for plot

I was looking forward to this, and the plot didn't disappoint! Though don't be worried if Sci-Fi isn't your thing (it isn't mine). It was a relevant, and somewhat realistic, view into the growing importance of AI in our lives.

Company: Justice Theatre Consortium
Show: Defibrillator
Venue: Barbara Barker Center for Dance

Sound and choreography were outstanding!

We appreciated this show: for a plot set mostly in a hospital, the actors did a fabulous job of using sound and movement to keep our attention. Without knowing the background, though (the writer had a similar situation) it was a bit tough to follow and my mind kept 'thinking' rather than 'appreciating:' why was she in the hospital for weeks when the surgery took 24 hours, how & when did COVID enter the situation?, was the patient portrayed by one of the four actors?. Most of these types of questions became clear, but well into the 60 minutes.

Company: Theatre On The Rocks
Show: A Horse Walks Out Onto the Stage and Dies
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Emotional tour-de-force

Many of the other reviewers talk about the humor in "A Horse Walks Out," but it is also very emotional and philosophical. From the first papal quote to the last journey home, it is an engaging pleasure.

Company: Lady Z Productions
Show: P.I.M - Perpetual Imagined Movement
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Kudos for first time producers!

Some charming stories about St. Paulites from the past. Though we still wish we would have had more information about the actors and the production from their Fringe page. Without that, we had very little information to prioritize this play on our schedule. But we are glad we did!

Company: Alex Stokes / Sky Blue Productions
Show: Hugo and Maeve Join A Cult!
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

Needs updated description

As 20+ year Fringe veterans, we are confident of our ability to 'choose shows that appeal to us.' We were excited about the description: "stuck in a mysterious basement being chased by angry cult members." And the bios were good: local theaters with some mainstream plays. We do understand that we all have different opinions on what makes a "good comedy." But, alas, we were misled. We got silly, scatological humor; poor audio (Hugo was mumbling and the sound wasn't picking it up well); and bad timing (some - not all - of the audience was laughing way too loud and the actors just talked over it). And while Fringe shows can "go short," this one was around 40 minutes which is at the lower end of acceptable in our book. Although be both considered it a blessing.

Company: American School of Storytelling
Show: More Better Stories
Venue: American School of Storytelling

Storytelling and location: both a delight

We saw Sufian at 7pm on that rainy, rainy Monday. For long term Fringers (and everybody else), be sure to make the short trip up Hennepin to the American School of Storytelling. This is just a jewel box of a site and worth the trip just for that. Sufian was fabulous, so fabulous that I looked at his resume afterwards on-line: many awards and accolades. My only gripes: let us know what is going to happen in advance (two storytellers and a musical interlude); and end on time (I would have loved to chat with Sufian afterwards, but we were zooming up Hennepin to pick up the car and make our next show).

Company: Jamie Brickhouse
Show: I Favor My Daddy: A Tale of Two Sissies
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Could be a 5, with a few minor tweaks!

We always enjoy Jamie and his storytelling. Though we both noticed that his delivery was more stilted than usual (more like memorized than natural). The memorized aspect led to some breaks and awkward moments. The description says he 'uncovers the truth' about his father, this isn't necessarily the case and left us curious through the whole second half of the show. Jamie is such a gifted storyteller that we hope he can eventually move to stories beyond his coming out!

Company: Broken Wing Productions
Show: The Wind Phone
Venue: The Ribs of Humanity at Campbell Plaza

A+ for creativity

We were blown away with someone taking the idea of Wind Phones and making an engaging play out of it! Then finding the perfect setting (outside at Ribs of Humanity). Yes there were planes overhead, yes there were loud motorcycles, yes we heard and understood every word, and yes the ending was a bit predictable. None-the-less, we are tough reviewers and this one was a "5" in our book.

Company: Martin Dockery
Show: Martin Dockery: TRUTH
Venue: Theatre in the Round

There is nobody quite like Martin!

We have seen ALL his MN Fringe shows and wouldn't miss this one for anything. If you have seen Martin, there is nothing more to say: madcap, highly energetic, and super clever. Enjoyed all the three stories in TRUTH, though the last one could have gone on for one fewer repetitions (we get it, OK).

Company: Mermaid Productions
Show: A Monster Scientist and a Tattooed Anarchist Walk into a Bar
Venue: The Comedy Corner - Underground

Awesome, with one small gripe!

We saw Ariel's show. We have followed her since her first show ("Born in a trailer court") and appreciate seeing how her art and life have matured. A+ for her storytelling chops. Her show (as most of her autobiographical shows) was far more about "transformation, survival, and self-revolution" (from the Fringe web site) than it was about her tattoo during the lockdown. And yes, if you have mobility problems at all, those stairs down to the theater are tough.

Company: The Miller Conspiracy
Show: The Banana Wars
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Great acting, disjointed stories

Lots of great - and interesting - information, almost like a university lecture. And Derek's acting, as always, was compelling. I wish the stories would have hung together a bit more: seemed disjointed with the occasional theme of bananas and/or war.

Company: Dark Roast Arts
Show: They Still Make Film For That?
Venue: Strike Theater

Show may be our first 'repeat' in, uh, 20+ years

We saw Kevin's first show at 10pm out in the Fringe boondocks (Strike). And we are SO glad we did. He is a first time producer and was supported by many local artists in audience. Ok, yes, he had a technical mishap on Saturday night, but his information was so fascinating and his show was so unlike most Fringe shows that he deserves a "5". Only improvement is to let us know what you are doing with the film in the 'thingy' at first (the part you had issues with). We hope we will be back to see you again in this Fringe!!

Company: Sarah McCabe
Show: Last Pitch Effort
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Lots & lots of potential (in a very good way)

A charming musical with easy-to-identify character archetypes (we women of a certain age, know women 'just like each these four'). I can definitely see further workshopping and then taking this to one of our local theaters like other similar Fringe shows have in the past. We were charmed by the audience, obviously lots and lots of friends and family who were totally supporting the artists. And on that note, it would have been cool to see how the four of you met and decided to do this work in the Fringe 'additional information.'

Company: Pretend Productions
Show: Daddy Issues
Venue: Phoenix Theater

One of my rare "5" ratings

Yes, there are content warnings, but this is also a very sweet and sometimes funny piece. We had only gone after seeing Allison in 5X5 and figured that while the description of Daddy Issues might not be 100% our thing, we definitely wanted to see her again. And we are so glad we went. The piece moves fast over time and place, the cardboard scenery is so well done, and Allision takes us through her journey masterfully. I don't give a ton of "5" ratings, but this one is worth it for sure.

Company: Melancholics Anonymous
Show: Beanie Baby Divorce Play
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Top of 2024 Fringe goofy comedies with music

Every Fringe has one: goofy plotted comedy with some music and a theme (in this case materialism is bad and even the worse errors of judgement can be forgiven). We had seen it right after then absurdist "The Dumbwaiter" at Open Eye and it was a true palate cleanser. We always seek out Melancholics and if you don't already, this would be a good place to start. Probably sold out for the rest of the run, so get your reservations now. And to agree with another reviewer, Tim does look great in drag!

Company: Jackdonkey Productions
Show: The Dumb Waiter
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Superb acting and beyond absurdist play

These two actors completely owned the stage from the minute the doors opened when they were just sitting there. That in itself is a sight to behold. But, if you aren't familiar with Pinter (I wasn't though he did win a Nobel prize) or absurdist works, be sure you are prepared for the, well, absurdity.

Company: Tristan Miller
Show: Least Likely To Succeed: Tales From A Midwestern Homeschooler
Venue: Bryant Lake Bowl

Stand up with a new show?

We have seen Tristan in the past and loved him! But we attended his first show this year, and he was definitely off his game. The accents (especially his trip to New Zealand) didn't seem to hit the theme of home schooling, and, if kept in his show, need some more work. But he knew it, and I future attendees will see a sharper, more focused show.

Company: W.A.S. Productions
Show: A Number
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Fabulous last minute add

A trifecta! What is not to like about a two-hander with Equity Actors, an absolutely relevant script by Caryl Churchill, and A+ direction. A Number was a last minute add, so it may not be on some of your pre-Fringe 'must see' lists. I'm glad we saw the add (to the schedule) and added it (to our 'must sees'). Consider doing the same.

Company: Paco Erhard | German Comedy International
Show: An Honest* History of Bullshit
Venue: HUGE Improv Theater

Poor Paco!

We saw Paco last year and enjoyed his perspective and comedy. But alas, we all have 'bad days at work,' and it is usually not quite as evident as when it happens in stand up comedy. Paco certainly understood it and ended with "come back tomorrow, it will be a totally different show." No use rubbing it in more than that, although "Q" jokes tend to be behind us now, and it took me a minute to sort out what he was talking about!

Show: Gasthaus
Venue: Phoenix Theater

Interesting premise!

So much to like here: the costumes and stage were convincing and so well done. And I'll always love a play with accordion music. We saw Gasthaus on the first night and Jutta's voice was just not loud enough, but that is easily resolved. Otherwise, it did go on for some time before the dramatic arc was evident; the overly numerous scenery changes were distracting; and the ending (totally didn't get it).

Company: nayXnay productions
Show: Francis Grey and the Case of His Dead Boyfriend: a One-Man Whodunnit
Venue: Phoenix Theater

A wonderful serendipity!

There is nothing better than walking into a Fringe show that you pick because it is 'convenient,' and ending up seeing one of what will probably become a Fringe highlight of 2024! We don't love broad comedy, and Francis Grey is just the opposite = clever comedy. And the mystery is engaging, taking unexpected turns at every corner. The combination of video and live acting was a fabulous method to deliver a one-person play. And, with all those high spots, it was the acting that was phenomenal: facial expressions, accents, mannerisms did a great job of keeping the many characters straight. [Oh, and did I mention the humor!!]

Company: Mahmoud Hakima
Show: Two Bowls of Cereal and Some Bacon
Venue: Theatre in the Round

Top rate one-person storytelling

We typically don't put much improv on our schedule, so we haven't seen much of Mahmoud Hakima over the years. But the dramatic aspect of his preview caught my attention and the whole show was a great end to our first day of Fringe. It had been a hectic day, so I was a bit worried about staying awake, but both the dark plot and humorous interludes kept me totally focused. And, I agree with the previous reviewer, the Mario part was incredible!

Company: Transatlantic Love Affair
Show: 5 x 5
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

Wow, just wow!

We have so missed Transatlantic Love Affair for the last NINE (can that be right?) years at Fringe. The acting and creativity are absolutely fantastic and while we aren't great fans of physical theater, it is done so well that we were in awe. We were so taken by the performers that we added their 'other Fringe performances' to our 'must see list,' just to be able to see them again. We weren't particularly familiar with any of the texts (remember, this is a literary adaptation), but that totally doesn't matter. And an understudy playing one of the roles, beyond believable. Even better, I don't make it to Open Eye very often, and had forgotten what a great little theater this is.

Company: Deft Pictures
Show: Secrets Under the Christmas Tree: A Deedee Wallaby Mystery
Venue: Open Eye Theatre

A good start to 2024 Fringe

We came to "secrets under" knowing absolutely nothing about it other than the paragraph on the Fringe page, which, by the way, is a great way to experience the 'wonder of Fringe.' "Secrets under" had lots of comedic action among many characters, so plan on being engaged for the whole hour to keep it all straight! Like all good mysteries, all the pieces come together well at the end, though maybe with a few too many insights that would be impossible as an audience member to work out. And, wow, some truly bizarre holiday sweaters. Acting and plot were solid, though nothing particularly deep.
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